7 Actionable Advance SEO Technique

7 Actionable Advance SEO Technique

7 actionable Advance SEO techniques which help to rank instantly on any search engine like Google, yahoo, Bing, etc…..

Why SEO needs to upgrade ?
Actually SEO is the process to give signal to search engine what is your content about? Day by day search engines upgrades their algorithms of SEO that’s why we also needs to upgrade our SEO techniques.

In this Blog I suggest 7 actionable Advanced SEO techniques which helps you to rank fast in 2019. And also one bonus technique which I have implement most in my Post that’s coming up …..

#Techniques No. 1
Make your content strongly Actionable.

If you talk about Blogging then content is normal things. According to  WordPress survey daily millions of blog post are publish in Google.

That why I say make your content actionable which is easy to understand reader but It put strong impact on reader. Your content t can't boring for reader. Due to this reader like to read your post. And your ranking ultimately increase.

#Technique No. 2
THE OBP Formula (Reduce Bounce Rate)

The OBP formula means Reduce  bounce Rate before I explain how to reduce bounce rate first know what is Bounce rate ?
Consider someone came on your blog or website and instantly back out of blog or website without spending much time then google consider it Bounce. And Google crawler consider that people don't like this content. That why as a effect of it google crawler lower your ranking.

Your blog or website bounce rate is not more than 50% To reduce bounce rate  Start your blog post I’m specific pattern first give outcome ask people what is about this post. Then show that what is your reader benefit from this blog. Then give short preview about your content. Create Eagerness in reader about following content. Then reader stop for long time on your website or blog.

#Technique No. 3
CTR optimized Title.

CTR  means Click Through Rate  It is ratio of how many people click on the specific link to total impression. CTR plays crucial role in SEO. Google crawl also see the CTR Rate of the specific link to give the ranking.

To control CTR rate make your blog post title clickable. By reading of your title reader should engage and prefer to read your article or post. And get click on specific link add odd number on your blog title because according to particular survey this prove that human psychology prefer odd number most than even therefore it helps your improve your click through rate.
Also make your search description clickable because 7 out 10 people should read the search description before to click. Make it also engageble.

#Technique No. 4
Promote your content with content Roadshow.

Promote your website content with content roadshow  for doing content roadshow find people which is complete interested in your post topic and approach them to share your content and instead of that you can also share their content.

For content roadshow find people on the google or twitter and email them to share your content.

#Technique No. 5
Optimize your content for schematic SEO.

Optimize your content with schematic SEO. Firstly what is schematic SEO?
Schematic SEO is the process to show google what is your content about. And in which keyword your article to be rank. 
For schematic SEO before writing Article you should do keyword research for the keyword research you can use keywords of Google suggest. Just search query on Google you see the keyword relate to the the  query. Then add that keyword in your blog post.

I suggest firstly try to rank on long tail keywords then you get automatically rank to main competitive keyword.

#Technique No. 6
Use Click to tweet button

Provide chance to your reader to share your post means add click to tweet button on your post. Due to this if reader like your content then chance are create that they share your post and get traffic.

Now so many people ask that If we also share the post on our twitter handle and other but if other share your post then Probably it is possible that post become viral and if it gets viral benefit is yours.
For the adding click tweet button you can use this website  "www.clicktotweet.com" here use can create click to tweet button for free.

#Technique No. 7
Generate lot of comments on blog post

Comments on blog post will also help to rank higher in Google. Due to the comments google considered it not just article but also a active community that’s why It rank it higher.
Now question is How to generate comments on the blog post ?
Now here is two way to generate comment on  blog post. 
1. Give a facilitate to reader to add their website link on your website. Because of this readers  on your post and they get back link for their website.
2. Add conclusion  to blog post as a call to action to do comment below ask something about your post and engage them to comment.

# Bonus Technique
Add Images, videos and other multimedia.

Images , videos and other multimedia make your article more attractive and  effective. I have personally used this technique in my writing.
Why use Images, videos and multimedia?
At the SEO point of view In case your article not rank but google also shows other sections like Images, videos in this your images and videos may be ranked and this is pin fever in  of any blogger.


Now it’s your turn 
I just used this technique for my blogs and it’s work for me.
Now you share with me which technique you like from above mention. Or any technique you can use in your website or blog…
And If you have any other technique share in comment below……


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